These pictures are from when Hailey was sick. She spent two days like this on the couch, not moving except to go to the bathroom.
Today we all woke up feeling much better. The kids had fun climbing all over daddy when he got home from work. They loved getting rides on his back around the house.
Bruce, Hailey, and I have all been sick with the flu the last few days. Hailey came down with it first, then me, and then Bruce. Max never did get sick. The poor little guy just couldn't figure out why none of us would get off the couch and play. He tried so hard to get Hailey to play with him. He would bring her all kinds of toys, piling them ontop of her trying to get her to play something with him. He started out bringing her cars and trucks but by the end of the day he was even bringing her dolls. He also kept climbing up on my lap just saying "Mommy" like he couldn't figure out what was going on. We rented Charolett's Web and watched it. Max really got into it and sat through the whole thing. He loved watching all the animals and laughed at some parts that he thought was funny, like when the pig ran into the fence. He also really liked the spider. During the movie, he said "Mommy, I wanna be a parmer boy." We are now all feeling much better today, well except when Hailey suddenly felt sick and puked this eving while we were eating at Culver's. She hadn't puked all day yesterday and was playing like her normal self all day today. But we went to Culver's to eat and she wouldn't eat anything. Then all of a sudden she said she felt sick and puked all over the floor and my coat. We were planning on getting icecream but ended up leaving in a hurry. After getting the kids out to the van, Bruce went back in and got a concrete mixer for Grandpa. Then we headed over to Grandpa's to give it to him. Hailey fell asleep right away in the van. I stayed in the van with the kids while Bruce gave Grandpa his icecream and visited for a few minutes. Max kept saying "I wanna go tee Gampa. I wanna go intide." Hailey woke up as soon as we got home. I quick got her in the bathtub cause she had gotten a little puke in her hair. After her bath, she seemed to feel alot better again.
Mel, are you all still doing good. Just when I think the boys are getting a little better they puke. Jacob just puked all over in his bed. Poor guy. Hope you all are still doing well. Sorry we brought this sickness to your family. We sure were wrong about Adam being contagious. I'll never again assume someones not contagious because they have no temp. Love you. Take care. Can't wait to meet my new nephew!!!!!
Yeah, Bruce and I felt great today. It sure is weird how they can be doing so good and then all of a sudden get sick again. I sure can't believe how long it's lasted for Jacob and Adam though. Isn't it going on 6 day's now? I feel so bad for you after reading about your rough night. I sure hope you get some rest tonight. I would have never guessed Adam was contagious either with no temp and acting just fine all day. He was so happy and in such a good mood. Oh well, that's what kids do, pass germs back and forth to each other. It just builds their immune systems, right? And I'm sure we would have gotten it from somewhere else if we hadn't gotten it from you guys. We sure had fun that day, no regrets even after all the puking. :) Love you too and hope you finally get some rest tonight.
That second picture of Hailey sleep my favorite. Glad there are no regrets after all the puking:) Love you!
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