Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Max was asking to watch Bob the Builder, and then got very interested in his toes noticing that he has big toes and little toes.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like hes saying "dat a lil one silly" Hes so cute!

Melissa said...

He is.

Anonymous said...

Very cute videos! I love to hear him talk. Your videos are so bright and clear now.

Melissa said...

Yeah, there is a big difference between this camera and the last one especially with the videos.

Anonymous said...

I love the video of Max and his toes. How cute. He could win on funnies home videos I think. Very fun to watch. We watched it several times.

Melissa said...

I thought it was funny too. One minute he was begging to watch Bob the Builder, and then all of a sudden he just gets all serious talking about his toes. It was like he was noticing his toes for the first time or something. He must have just noticed that his toes were different sizes.