Now putting "makeup" on Max.
At the green house to get out flowers.
Smelling the flowers.
Max loved this turtle.
Hailey and Max put all the slides together to make a "boat".
Sliding into the "water".
They pretended the ride-on cars were canoes.
Playing hide and seek. When it was my turn to count. Hailey decided to hide in the cupboard. It took me awhile to find her. The only reason I did find her is cause I heard her giggle as I walked through the kitchen. I decided to grab my camera before opening the cupboard. She sure was surprised when I opened it and found her.
Then Max wanted to hide in the cupboard too. He hid in the cupboard next to Hailey's and called me from inside saying "Mommy, I hidin' so come find me!"
This morning, my mom came over to help me sew some things on Hailey's dance recital costume. We had a nice visit while working on it. Hailey liked trying it on after we were done. After mom left, we went outside to play. Hailey picked some dandelions and rubbed them on her face till her cheeks were yellow. Then she asked me if I liked her "makeup". She also asked Max if he wanted some "makeup" on. He answered "Yah" (He has now started saying "Yah" sometimes instead of "Wah"). So she put some on his cheeks too. We did some yard work and also set up the fountain. Hailey and Max always love when we get the fountain out. They like playing in the water when we first fill it up. Then while the kids played, Bruce and I put stuff away in the garage and shed and got it more organized. We stayed out until lunchtime. Then we left to go to the green house to get our flowers. The kids loved riding in the big wagon. They also liked going around and smelling all the flowers. They enjoyed walking around inside to see all the fountains and walking through the "tunnels" (arbors). We had alot of fun. It was a very warm day we all changed into shorts when we got home. We went back outside to play until 3:00. Bruce had to leave for work and I put the boys down for their nap. Hailey rested on the couch. Around 4:30, Max came out of his room with a big smile. I could tell he hadn't slept yet. He was wide awake and said "Can I wake up now?" I picked him up to give him a hug and noticed tears in his eyes. I asked why he was crying and he said "I was cryin' weally hard in my bed all da time cause so you would come in and den I can wake up." (He sure wasn't crying very loud cause I didn't hear him at all.) He sure was happy when I told him he could stay up and play. Hailey asked to go back outside. I said no cause I was going to make dinner. She said "But I got a good idea. You can cook a really long dinner and watch us out the window while we play outside. Then you can get lots of work done, like laundry and workin' in the kitchen. Isn't that a good idea?" I decided to let them play on the back porch where I could see them the whole time. I loved listening to them play together. I had the kitchen windows open. They reminded me of how my sisters and I used to play when we were little. Hailey said "Max we have to cross the water!", pretending the mat that we had put down was the water. They also pushed all the little slides together to make a "boat". The had fun sliding into the "water" and pretending to swim. They pretended all the ride-on cars were their canoes. We came inside for dinner and then played a game of hide and seek. Hailey was sure finding good spots to hide, one time hiding in the cupboard. It took me awhile to find her there. When it was time to start getting ready for bed, we took some books out to read on the porch swing. The kids really enjoyed this. When we came back inside, Hailey ran to the bathroom and got the toothbrushes ready. She told me not to look cause she was "doing a nice thing". She came out and gave Max his toothbrush and then told me "I'm sorry. I did something. I accidentally put too much toothpaste on and then it somehow fell and got on my shirt. I didn't want it to fall on the floor so I wiped it on the towel." She showed me the toothbrush on the towel and then apologized again. I put Max and Hailey to bed first. They both were so tired and fell asleep right away. I went back in the room only a couple minutes later and they were both sound asleep. I enjoyed some extra cuddle time with Jack on the couch. We played "peek-a-boo" and "patty cake". Then we read a bunch of books and sang some songs before I layed him in his crib.
Love all the pictures, especially the close up of Jack. Poor Hailey dropping the toothpaste. She was trying to be such a help. Cute how she told you about it.
Great pictures! I love Hailey's expression when you found her in the cupboard.
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