As Hailey was climbing around, she bumped her foot and said "Owe!" Immediately, Max bowed his head and folded his hands and started praying for Hailey's hurt foot.
Pretending to be dogs.
While Hailey and Max were playing on the porch, I read some books to Jack. Hailey grabbed the camera and took our picture.
Daddy took the kids for a ride down to 7/11 for Slurpee's.
Bruce dropped Hailey off at school, and I got the boys ready so we could leave to go to the store when he got back. Just as we were parking, we saw my mom parking her car in the next row. I got Jack out and ran over to say hi. It was nice seeing her there. I walked around with her for a little while. Jack was very tired from being up alot last night and looked like he was going to fall asleep in the cart. Max was very good and liked helping me push the cart. He also liked finding the things on my list and throwing them into the cart. We picked Hailey up and then came home to work on getting the house ready for an open house on Sunday. The kids played outside while I put stuff out in buckets in the shed. Then I sat on the porch with the kids while daddy did the trimming in the yard. He had put all the slides and dog pen on the porch, so the kids had alot of fun climbing from one thing to the next. They pretended that the cement was water and tried not to let their feet touch. While they were climbing, Hailey said "Owe, I hurt my foot." Right away, Max stopped climbing and folded his hands to pray for her. He prayed "Dear Jesus, help Haywee's foot get better. Amen." It was so sweet. And he was so serious as he stood there on the slide with his hands folded and head bowed. Then Hailey and Max got in the dog cage and pretended to be dogs. They liked when I asked them to do tricks and pretended to give them treats. Jack was copying me calling Abby. He usually says something like "Baa-bee", but sometimes it sounds more like "Baa-ba". We came in for lunch and then I got the boys down for naps. I had Hailey rest for a half an hour and then we watched Clifford together. When the boys woke up from their naps, Daddy pulled the kids in the wagon down to 7/11 to get Slurpee's. I stayed and got some more work done in the house. Bruce came back to get the front pack for Jack and then took the kids for a longer walk. They stopped at Hailey's school playground to play. When they got back we ate dinner and then headed to dance class. We stopped for donuts afterwards and then went to another store. Jack only took one good nap today and it was just about his bedtime so he was acting very tired again. Then all of a sudden he started acting very goofy in the store and was laughing at everything. He was laughing alot at Hailey on the way home too. I put him in the exercauser when we got home for a few minutes while I put some clothes away in his bedroom and got pajamas out for the kids. I heard him laughing and thought one of the kids must have been playing with him. But when I came out, he was just laughing at nothing. The puppy wasn't even in the kitchen. I couldn't figure out what he thought was so funny. I think he was so tired he lost his mind. It was too funny. I fed him and then put him in his crib. He talked very loudly for a few minutes before falling asleep.
I love how the kids know to pray right away for everybody. So Sweet.
Cute dogs in the dog pen. I love the looks on their faces.
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