Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hailey went on a field trip this morning. Bruce took her, and two other kids from her class rode with them. Hailey was very excited to have her friends ride with her. Bruce said she really showed off big time. She was singing and doing the motions to the music playing in the van. He said you wouldn't believe it was Hailey. They went to "harvest time" in a big garden. They gave each of the kids a bag and they got to pick some vegetables and flowers. The lady reached in Hailey's bag and found a bee. She said that since it was such a cold day the bee was unlikely to sting, so she held him on her finger and let the kids get a really close look at it. Hailey said "It is fuzzy". They also gave each of the kids a couple seeds in a small ziplock bag with a string to hang it around their neck. She told the kids that it needed three things: a little air, some water (there was a wet cotton ball inside the ziplock bag) and it had to stay warm. She told them to keep it tucked inside their shirts against their bellies and to put it under their pillows at night, and it should start to grow by Friday. Max woke up early while Hailey was getting ready for school. He was very cuddly while we watched his Bob the Builder movie on the couch. He kept saying he didn't feel good. I thought he felt a little warm. I think he's coming down with a cold. After our movie, he went and got some things and asked to play doctor. We took turns being the doctor. When he got tired of playing that, he got down to play with his cars and trucks. I got down to play with him and he told me no. But at least he let me play with him a little while. Jack only woke up for a short while to eat this morning and fell right back asleep and stayed asleep. Max didn't play by himself very long before coming up to me asking me to hold him. I can tell he's not feeling very well. I gave him some Tylenol. Then I held him and showed him some videos on the blog. He expecially liked watching the ones of himself riding the horse. When Hailey got home, she ran into the house to show me what she got from her field trip. First, she showed me her "seed necklace". She told me it needed "air, water, and warm". After showing me she tucked it back under her shirt against her belly. Then she dumped out her bag of stuff to show me what she picked out of the garden. She told me what each thing was and then asked for a knife to cut her vegetables. Max was also very interested in what she had in her bag. She cut some pieces up and asked him if he wanted a bite. He gladly tried everything she gave him. He kept spitting out the green peppers and tomatoes but kept trying bites everytime Hailey offered it to him. He liked the beans and the "leaf". Bruce couldn't remember what the "leaf" was but I tried it too and liked it. It was sweet but had a very strong flavor. Hailey was happy when daddy cooked some of her vegetables. After lunch, we had to go pick up our pictures. We stopped at the "cookie store" on the way. We didn't get home until 3:30 so I put Max down for a late nap. Hailey asked me to hold her seed against my belly while she went to the bathroom. She told me to make sure I kept it warm. She sure is taking good care of her seed. She put it back on when she was done. She played with the old set of little people. Then she went outside while daddy cleaned out the garage. Max woke up while they were outside. I got him ready and sent him out to play too. I did some laundry and worked on cleaning out the closet while they were outside. Jack enjoyed playing on his activity mat and was cooing the whole time. He's starting to move around more. When he was takng a nap, I layed him one way and when I went in to check on him he had turned himself sideways. The kids were cold when they came in so I made some hot chocolate for them. Daddy gave Max a bath while I played legos with Hailey. We made houses. Then I went in with Max for awhile and watched him play in the tub while daddy played legos with Hailey. When Max got out he sat down and played legos too. He liked the truck daddy made. They all played while I got Hailey's bath water ready. Then I gave Hailey her bath while Daddy got Max to bed. The kids enjoyed taking a bath by themselves. They liked laying down in the water. Daddy also got Hailey ready for bed while I cleaned up and then fed Jack. Bruce and I looked at baby pictures and we think Hialey and Jack sure look alot alike. While we were watching TV, I remembered Hailey's "seed necklace". I didn't remember her taking it off so I was afraid that I accidently threw it in the washing machine with her shirt. I looked and didn't see it, so I looked around the house a little bit. Then I decided to go look under her pillow. And, sure enough, there it was. Hailey must have taken it off before her bath and ran to put it under her pillow and I just didn't notice. She is being so responsible taking care of that seed.


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures of Hailey doing the peppers. Sounds like a fun field trip.

Anonymous said...

I goofed again. the last comment was from me.

Anonymous said...

I love that first picture of Jack and the sweet ones of Hailey and her Daddy. The one of you and Jack is cute.