Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My mom brought Hailey home this morning. She was very excited and told us all about the fun time she had with Nana, Papa, and Mykenzie. She was talking so cute like she was all grown up. Bruce canned tomatoes again today. He also made some hot salsa for my dad to try. He said it should be very hot. He asked Hailey and Max if they wanted to help squish the tomatoes, but neither of them wanted to get their hands dirty. So I gave them some mashers and then they both had fun helping. It was cold and rainy most of the day again. I did some cleaning around the house and got some laundry done. Bruce and I went out for a date night tonight. We had Emily, a girl from church, come over and watch the kids. We went out to eat and then walked around a few shops. We had a really nice time. When we got home, Hailey was acting very silly. You could tell she must have had fun with Emily. She was so full of energy, it was hard getting her calmed down for bed. Max was in bed but still awake when we got home. He was just laying down talking to himself. I stood by his door and listened to him for a while. It was so cute.


Anonymous said...

That's one big tub of mushy fun. Can't wait to borrow some of dad's hot salsa. after all I borrow everything else of his... except the harley. I certainly can understand why Hailey and Max didn't want to get their hands dirty... tomatos STINK.


Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Bruce didn't really need my help with the canning. I can see he has all the help a person could ask for. What a great mashing team. I love the part where they didn't want to get their hands dirty. Grandma always told he I never wanted to get my hands dirty when I was little. I still don't like dirty hands. I love the pictures of Max and Jacob. Looks like you had a fun day and the boys were so cute. Looks also like you tuckered them right out...
Love you tons...mom S

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! Max looks so cute with his monkey. Kimmy