Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007

When Max woke up, I got him out of the crib and brought him in the bed with us. He was very cuddly for a while and I thought he was even going to go back to sleep. Then he noticed the snowmen on the pillowcases. He got so excited and pointed to it saying " A stonan, a stonan!" Then he saw there was another one under my head, so he pushed my head over to the side saying "anoder stonan, Mommy!" He kept looking and pointing to all of them getting all excited about them. Then Bruce got up and asked Max if he wanted to go play. Max said "I go play cars". So Bruce took Max out to the living room to play and I fell back asleep until Hailey woke up. The kids played with their new toys all morning. Max played with his cars the whole time again. Then we had to get ready to go to my uncle's house for a Christmas party. It was about an hour and a half drive there. Max fell asleep on the way, but only got to sleep for about 45 minutes. We took the kids downstairs to play cause their was a nice little area for them to run around and play with the toys we had brought for them. Jacob and Max loved playing with the matchbox cars, and Hailey brought a doll and a barbie to play with. But she spent most of her time holding and playing with Adam and running around with Kenzie. They all loved looking out the window at the Christmas lights. Max especially liked the lit up snowman. We had a very good dinner, and then did the gift exchange. We all bring a gift and draw numbers. Then when our number is called we can pick a gift out of the pile or steal a gift that was already opened from somebody else (the gift can only be stolen twice though and then it stays with that person and we can't pick our own gift) until all the gifts are gone from the pile. None of the kids had taken naps, except that little bit Max slept in the van. They were all very good even though they were all very tired. They just all started laying around alot toward the end. Hailey even just about fell asleep on the floor. I thought she was asleep and took a picture, but she opened her eyes when the flash went off. Adam fell asleep in Nana's arms. Jacob and Max were just laying on pillows on the floor. They were all so tired. Bruce's uncle called on the cell phone and asked us to stop by on our way home. Even though it was late when we left, they still wanted to see us. Hailey was very excited to get to go to Megan's house. Both Hailey and Max fell asleep in the van on the way there. When we got there, Megan was wide awake and very excited and happy to see us. It took a while for Max and Hailey to wake up and start playing too. Then they started playing too and they had lots of fun playing together. It was so cute when they all started playing the piano and Megan was singing Jingle Bells and then Max started singing with her. I wish I would have had my video camera with me. Megan passed out gifts to all of us before we left. We didn't get back till about 1:30 am, so the kids didn't get to bed until 2:00 am. That's the first time we have ever kept them up that late before.

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