Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Eve

We got up and got ready to go over to my parent's house. As soon as we got there, Jacob ran up to me and wanted me to hold him. He was my little buddy all day and kept coming back crawling up to sit on my lap. It was so cute. My dad always says a prayer and reads the Christmas story from the Bible before we open gifts. Jacob climbed up on Nana's lap to listen to Papa read the Bible. Then we passed out the presents and the kids were very excited to start opening them. Hailey loved the doll that Nana and Papa got her. She wanted to take it out of the box right away. She said it was just what she always wanted, "a talking, moving, nakie baby". She has been saying she wants a "nakie baby" for a long time. All her other dolls have soft bodies in the middle and she wanted one that looked real with a belly button. And a few weeks ago, she saw a commercial of a doll that talked and moved and so she asked me to put "a baby that talks and moves" on her list too. She sure was happy when she opened it. Max loved his new toys too. He thought the remote car that Aunt Kimmy and Uncle Jared got him was really neat. He really liked seeing it light up and watching the parts moving inside. Then Charlie and Sue, some friends of the family, came over to eat with us. After we ate, Kimmy and my mom went to the store and got some batteries while the boys took their naps. I ended up falling asleep on the couch too. When me and hte boys woke up, we put batteries in the racetrack that Nana and Papa got for Max and Jacob. So they all had fun with that, and were laughing really hard at the cars going around the track. Later, Nana read the Nativity story to the kids. She started out trying to read it to all of them together, but since they all have their own way of setting up the nativity, she decided to read it to them one at a time so they could all do it their way. While she reads the story the kids open little gift boxes one at a time which each have a piece to the nativity inside. As the story tells about each piece, they get to put it in the stable. Then the last box has a little mirror in it saying that all God wants is you. Hailey just loves opening all the boxes and putting the pieces in the stable.

"Do I have to have my picture taken agian?"


Anonymous said...

I like the picture of Bruce holding the girls. Kenzie looks really long on his lap. I should have put the picture of you sleeping on my blog:)

Melissa said...

I thought it was cute of the three of them sitting there watching TV together too. And I'm very glad you did not put that picture of me sleeping on the couch on your blog.