Thursday, November 1, 2007

After breakfast, I sorted through all the candy. Hailey and Max sat right by me on the floor looking through their bags. They were getting all excited looking at what they got. Hailey kept pulling out pieces of candy and showing me saying "Oh, this is my favorite", and Max pulled out a sucker right away asking me to open it for him. They each picked out a couple peices to eat. Hailey thought it was great getting to eat candy in the morning. She said "We can eat candy in the morning today cause it's special". Max had fun filling the laundry basket with all the pumkins and gourds and then pushing it around the house. After pushing it around for a while, he got right in the basket with them.then he held each one up to show me. Bruce got alot done on the kitchen today. Our neighbor, Ken, cmae over this morning and offered to help. They got drywall up on a couple walls and also the ceiling. After Bruce finished for today, we called and asked my mom and dad if they wanted to go out with us for dinner. They said yes, so Bruce got cleaned up while I got the kids ready to go. While I was getting Max's shoes on, I asked him if he wanted to go see nana and papa. He said "Uh huh, I do, I do." It was cute how he said it and got all excited. We met them at the restaurant, and then we all went to the apple barn for cookies and treats. We had to go to the store to get a few things afterwards, so we didn't get home till 9:00. Max was so tired and it was way past his bedtime, so I tried skipping the books tonight. But when I sat down to rock him, he kept saying "book mommy" so I grabbed one that was on the floor right next to me. After reading it to him, I turned off the light thinking he wouldn't mind skipping his Bible tonight, but he said "I wan Bibo too, mommy" so I got his Bible and read that to him too. Then he went to bed really good as always. I guess he's starting to really care about his routine now just like Hailey does. It doesn't matter how late it, Hailey always has to do her whole bedtime routine (unless she falls asleep in the car and we actually get her into her bed without her waking up). When I asked Max what he did today, he said "nana, papa, eat".


Anonymous said...

Jacob was excited to have candy too. We still have lots of candy left over from the parades. Can't wait to take the kids to see Grandpa's today. Your going to miss your neighbors when you move.

Melissa said...

We still have candy left over from the parade too. Our Halloween candy usually lasts till Christmas, and then we end up throwing the rest out. And our Christmas candy usually lasts till Valentines day, and that lasts till Easter and so on. That's why we always have a bucket of candy around here, and Kenzie and any other kid that comes over knows it.

Melissa said...

Yeh, we sure are going to miss our neighbors. They are so nice. I wish they could move with us.

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures, especially the matching jacket pictures. Thanks again for taking us out to eat. We had a great time!!! Much love!