Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I woke up while Bruce was getting ready for work this morning. I came and sat out on the couch for a while and then went back to bed after he left. I couldn't get back to sleep though so I just layed there until Max woke up around 8:15. Hailey didn't wake up until 9:00. While she was sleeping, Max went up to her and said "What Hayee doin? She wake?" I got more laundry done while they were playing. I'm still not caught up though. Then Hailey wanted to make kites, so I got out the construction paper, markers, and some stickers. I cut the paper in the shape of a kite and then the kids decorated them with stickers and colored them. I couldn't find any string, so I just got some ribbons and used them for the string. Then I took the kids outside to fly them. They had so much fun running around the yard pulling their kites behind them. Max found a dried out dandlilion, so I showed him how to blow it. He thought that was fun too. Then Hailey went around the yard looking for more. They found a few more to blow before we went inside to eat lunch. When Max woke up from his nap, I got the kids ready to go see daddy at work. He is working a double shift today, so he'll be gone all day until after they are in bed. He asked if I wanted to bring them, so he would be able to see them at least for a little bit today. On our way, I stopped at Meijer to get a few things that we forgot yesterday. When we were driving through a little town on the way, Hailey said "What is this town, Mommy? I comed her before. Me and you and Nana did something here. I just don't know what we dooed." I think she was thinking about when we went to garage sales there this spring. When we got to Bruce's work, the kids ran up to daddy and gave him big hugs. They were so excited to see him. Bruce had caught a couple of spiders and put them into little plastic jars with lids for the kids. They both loved looking at the spiders crawling around in the jars, especially Max. He even tried to feed the spider a bite of his cookie. They watched the spiders for a while, and then Bruce started making dinner. I brought stuff from home to make spagetti while we were there. While that was cooking, Max had fun playing with all his trucks on the table. He would line them all up and make a train. Bruce also gave the kids some coloring books that tell about his job. The kids were really hungry since we were eating a little late. They ate really good, and Max even kept asking for more. They are probably getting tired of all the microwave meals we have been eating alot of lately since we don't have a kitchen right now. After we were done eating, Bruce wheeled the kids around on the chair to the snack machine and got them some cookies. They liked being pushed around on the chair. Then he took us around and showed us some of the things he does. Hailey was very interested in everything. Max had fun playing with the bugs again before we left. We got home just a little after 8:00, but Hailey fell asleep in the van on the way home. I carried her to her room and she stayed asleep. Max was talking and singing the whole way home. Even though he was acting pretty hyper and didn't want to settle down for bed, he calmed down after reading books and brushing his teeth. Then he went to bed really good.


Anonymous said...

I love what Hailey said - she says such cute things.
Great pictures!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute videos and pictures. Looks like everyone had lots of fun visiting daddy's work. Love to all!