Monday, November 26, 2007

Bruce got up with the kids and let me sleep in this morning. When I got up, he started working on the kitchen. He got alot done today. He got some more cupboards hung and he also hung the microwave. Max was very excited to see the tree lights this morning. He was a little better about touching the tree today. Every once in a while, he would try to pull the beads, but as soon as we would tell him no he would stop. Bruce had to run to the store for some parts, so he took Hailey with him this morning. When they got back, we ate lunch, and then I gave Max some of my Grandma's famous orange jello, leftover from Thanksgiving. While he was eating it, he said "Mmmm that good jello." He kept asking for more. After we ate, I put both kids down for a nap. Hailey didn't go to bed good last night, so she had to take a nap too. I was tired so I layed on the couch and fell asleep. Max didn't sleep very long though cause Bruce was drilling on the wall next to his bedroom and it woke him up. Later this evening, Bruce had to run back to the store again, so he took Max with him. Hailey and I played the "Pretty Pretty Princess" game. It was cute how she would put on the earings on by herself and then run to the mirror to look. Then she would come back saying "Don't I look pretty?" She got really excited when she got the crown and won the game. Then she played with all the jewlry until Daddy and Max got back. When she heard them coming, she said "We got to put this away so Max don't choke" and started picking up all the pieces. She is so good about that and is always carefull about giving Max anything small. She'll come up to me before giving him anything she doesn't know about and ask me if he'll coke on it. Even when she feeds him bites of her food, she asks me if it's small enough for him so he won't choke. She has been doing this since Jacob was a baby when she was younger than Max. Bruce brought back a pizza and some breadsticks for dinner. After I got Max in bed, Hailey and I set up the nativity. She had to give baby Jesus and the sheep a kiss goodnight before going to bed tonight.

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