Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Max woke up early again this morning, before 7:00. Bruce got up with him and let me sleep on. Hopefully he'll get used to the time change soon. This morning he went and got Barney, Elmo, monkey, and elephant (which he calls "elpant") and lined them all up on the couch. Then he went and got each of them a truck to play with. As he was putting the trucks in front of each of them, he would ask them "wanna play truck?" Then he got his tractor and sat on the couch by them. He has been doing this alot the last few days, bringing Barney and Elmo everywhere to play with him. He'll even go and get them so they can dance with him and Hailey. Bruce got the rest of the drywall up today. I helped hold the pieces up while he screwed them in. It looks alot better with all the walls covered. Hailey decided she wanted to color while Max took his nap. Then she wanted to get her Barbies out to play with. She sat in the living room and played so quietly during his whole nap. I did some laundry and worked on cleaning up some of the clutter around the house. I sure can't wait till the kitchen is finished so we have cupboard space again. Everything is just piled up everywhere and it's driving me nuts. When Max woke up from his nap, I played hide and seek with the kids. They laughed so hard when I would go hide and then jump out when they got close. Then they would run away screaming, and I would go chase them. Max started getting so tired and grumpy by 7:00. He's been having such a hard time staying up until his usual 8:00 bedtime. Every night since the time change, he starts getting grumpy around 7:00. Tonight, he spent most of the hour before it was time for bed cuddling with me on the couch. He was so tired that he fell asleep while I was rocking him only after a few minutes. I held him for a while so I could enjoy the moment. He doesn't do that very often, and I love to hold him while he's asleep, so peacful and quiet. It makes me wish he wasn't getting so big so fast. I miss the days when I could just hold him for as long as I wanted.


Anonymous said...

I love how Max lined up his animals and gave them trucks. Looks like he needs suspenders - good thing he doesn't take his pants off in church:) Hailey looks so pretty in that last picture.
Clutter drives me nuts also.

Melissa said...

Yeh, both my kids won't hardly keep their pants on at home. Notice Hailey has no pants either. I think she actually taught Max to take his off. I have been putting onesies on him alot lately so at least he can't get his diaper off. It's funny that they only take them off at home or at nana's house though.

Anonymous said...

Poor Max - he sure has a hard time staying up past his bedtime. This time change is hard on him.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how they both take their pants off at your house and here. I sure would like to know why. I do think Max learned it from Hailey. Must get that from their dad's side of the family, hey? Cute pictures. I love the bright colors. Love ya!