Thursday, November 15, 2007

Max woke up while Bruce was getting ready for work this morning. Bruce just rocked him for a little bit and he went right back to sleep. Hailey got up at 8:00, but Max slept until 9:00. I couldn't believe he slept that long. I went in to check on him cause he never sleeps that long. He woke up when I touched him and popped right up. He's just like his daddy. He is ready to go as soon as he wakes up. Hailey is more like me and needs to lay there for a few minutes before getting up. Hailey was really excited to help me pack their suitcases for staying at Nana's and Papa's tonight. Max, however, had fun taking everything I put in his suitcase back out. Even after I zipped it closed, he unzipped it a little and stuck his hand in to try to pull things out. I packed his elephant right away this morning cause I didn't want to forget it. He kept asking "Where elpant go?", and then he would look in his crib saying "Uh oh". Hailey kept asking me to call Nana and ask her to come get them right now. She was so excited. She kept wanting to open the front door to see if she was here yet. Max and Hailey were watching out the door for her when the mail man came. Hailey jumped up and down screaming "Mail man's here! Mail man's here!". I gave her all the junk mail to play with. Hailey got really excited when she saw Nana pull in the driveway. Max was sitting on my lap and jumped down when he heard Hailey say Nana was here. He was excited too. When I put Max's coat on, he grabbed his hat and said "hat on too". It took my mom and I about a half an hour to get the carseats in her new car. We were laughing so hard. We even had to get the car manual out to see if there were any tips in there. There were a few that helped. We were so whipped from all the work though by the time we actually got them in. The neighbors probably thought we were crazy. We had the kids sitting in the front seat, and my mom and I were sitting in the car seats trying to push them down to get them in tight. It was pretty funny. Now that we know what to do with that particular car, hopefully we'll be faster next time. They make every vehicle different, and you get used to the one you have. Bruce said he had a hard time too so it's not just us. We really do know what we are doing. It was definately the car not us that was the problem. Hailey and Max were really excited to get to ride in Nana's new car. As they were driving out of the driveway, they were both waving to me and blowing kisses. Hailey was yelling "Bye Mommy. I love you." out the window. I went and sat on the couch and watched some TV. I had to rest my back from putting those car seats in. It was really sore. Then I did a little cleaning up around the house. When Bruce got home, we left to go to Home Depot to get pick out a color to paint the kitchen. We found a color we both liked. Then we went to the Olive Garden to eat. One of the teachers that Bruce used to work with was there with his wife and we were sitting at a table right next to theirs. We went over and talked to them for awhile. They live pretty close to us so we see them alot in the summer when they are out walking. They usually stop over to say hi whenever they walk by our house. They are a really nice couple. We stopped at Meijers to get some groceries. It was too late for Bruce to startpainting by the time we got home. He's hoping to get to start on that tomarrow.


Anonymous said...

The kids sure do love their Nana - when we got to the road in our car yesterday Jacob said, "no go home, go tee Nana". Then when I lay him down for him nap he said, "I go sleep, wake up, go tee Nana". Today we leave - I will miss reading your blog. Love ya. Have a nice Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

That's cute how Jacob askes to go see her now. I'm going to miss reading your blog too and your comments. Have a fun time in Georgia. We'll miss you. Love ya. Melissa

Anonymous said...

Cute pic of Max, love the hairdue. I love Haileys hair in pig tails she looks super cute too!

Melissa said...

Max's hair was just super curly after I washed it this morning.