Monday, November 5, 2007

Max woke up an hour early again this morning. I guess he's just not used to the new time change yet. It was nice though cause I got to spend some time with Max before Hailey woke up. We played with his train, and then he went and got Barney and Elmo to play with us. He said "Barney, Elmo play train too" and carried them over so they could sit right by us. Hailey wanted to watch Barney when she woke up. Max ran and got up on the couch by Hailey when he saw me putting the video in. Bruce started working on the kitchen right away this mroning. After Hailey was done watching Barney, the kids and I painted the little pumkins and gourds. They both loved it. Max doesn't like fingerpainting very much, but he sure was into painting with a brush. After a while though, his hands did get pretty dirty. Actually they were covered in paint by the time we were done. When he finally noticed, he held them up and said "I dirty". And he wasn't happy till I cleaned him up. He just hates his hands dirty. I got alot of laundry done while Max took his nap this afternoon. When he woke up, I got out the Noah's Ark tent for the kids to play in. They were so excited when I brought it out. Hailey got her dolls and a bunch of stuff to put in it. She layed little blankets down for beds. She made one for her, one for Max, and one for her babies. She had it set up pretty neat too. They played in that the rest of the evening until I started getting things ready to give them a bath. Then they came running to the bathroom and started taking off their clothes. They were in such a hurry to get in. They played in the tub for a while, and then it was time to start their bedtime routines.


Anonymous said...

Jacob always had fun in that Noah's ark tent. Hows the kitchen coming along. Can't wait to see it when its finished.

Anonymous said...

Tell Max when his hands are dirty he needs to go see Uncle Jared the soap dispenser. He can push his head and I'm sure he will come out all clean...When you have a soap dispenser in the family you need to take advantage of it.

Anonymous said...

That's funny mom!

Anonymous said...

The kicthen is looking a little better. The dry wall is up on the ceiling and all the walls but one. Still alot of work to be done though.

Anonymous said...

Wow - I never thought putting in new cubboards could be so much work.

Melissa said...

That's because we aren't just putting in new cupboards. We are gutting the whole kitchen and starting over. The only thing that's staying the same is the floor. And as we are going, it seems that one project leads to another. Like we had to move the doorway to the utility room over and the sink over too. Besides having all the trouble with Home Depot breaking the display he had bought. This is one big project.

Melissa said...

Oh, and since we had to move the door down, now we are going to have to gut the laundry room and put up drywall in there. Talk about one project leading to another. It'll all look nice when we are done though.