Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Today Hailey has been asking to see my belly all day. Then she'll talk to the baby and give my belly a kiss and hug. When Max saw her kiss my belly, he came over and gave my belly a zoobie. Hailey laughed and said "The baby got a zoobie." She thought that was so funny. Max went and got his monkey and put him in the highchair saying "Sit highchair eat?" Then he ran and got some of Hailey's doll dishes and pushed a chair up to the highchair. He said "I climb up chair" as he got up on the chair to feed his monkey. Then Hailey decided she wanted to feed her baby too, so she brought out her doll highchair to the dining room. I don't know why she was wearing socks on her hands. Tonight while I was rocking Max, and Hailey called me from the other room asking me for something. I couldn't hear what she wanted and I told her to wait a few minutes till I layed Max down. A few minutes later, she came in and asked me if I would lay him in his crib now. I held my finger up saying just a minute. When she asked again, Max held his finger up just like I had done and then looked at me and smiled. Then everytime Hailey went to say something, he would do it again. He did it a few times. It was so funny. Hailey was even laughing.

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