Monday, January 26, 2009

While I was feeding Jack and putting him to bed, Max took some books to our bedroom and layed on our bed reading. He read to himself for quite awhile. Once I had Jack in bed, I decided to get the camera and took this first video before he noticed I was there with the camera. Then I went in and took some videos while he read his books to me.

This is Max's new favorite book, "The Three Bears". He picked it up a couple days ago and has asked me to read it to him many times during the day ever since and also every night before bed. And I'm sure we'll be reading it to him every night for the next few months until he picks another book to be his favorite. He still brings me other books sometimes during the day to read, but his favorite at the time is the one he wants to read before laying down to go to sleep at naptime or bedtime.

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

I love listening to Max talk.