Saturday, January 31, 2009

The kids put socks on and skated on the hard floor like they have been doing every morning for the last couple of weeks now. Usually that's the first thing Max asks for when he gets out of bed. He wants me to get him some "skatin socks" (ones without rubber grips on the bottom). After skating around the dining room for awhile, Hailey set up some things to play "hockey". She even had the two stools tipped on their sides for goals. It sure was funny to watch them try to make a goal. They played this for a long time. Daddy took kids outside to play after dinner. Jack has a cold and hasn't been sleeping very long for naps today so he was tired and fussy by 6:30. I didn't want to put him to bed that early so I read him some books to keep him happy for a little while longer. He sure loves books, especially the Touch and Feel ones. I read to him while the kids were outside playing. Then I sat in the rocking chair in the living room to feed him. Right away he saw his Learning Puppy and started getting excited and leaning toward it. I put him down on the floor by it and he was really talking alot to it. He pushed some buttons and made it start singing. Then he started dancing for the first time. Every time it would start singing, he would dance. It was so cute. Jack was still dancing when Daddy and the kids came back inside. Hailey really liked seeing him dance. She thought it was funny. Hailey asked daddy to turn on some "hyper music" to dance to. It was so funny watching them all dance. I was laughing so hard as daddy would dance and the kids would copy him. He was so funny, but he wouldn't let me video him. Then to get them to calm down for bed, he had them sit on the floor and told them he was going to teach them some "calming down excercises". He sat on the floor by them and showed them some deep breathing exercises and stretches. They loved it and really payed attention to what to do. It was so funny as daddy pretended to be the teacher and the kids copied him as he showed them what to do. The kids sure were serious about it and it really did help them to calm down.

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

Those last two pictures of Hailey and Jack are my favorite.