Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We got a nice surprise this morning when Bruce's mom called and said they were coming to visit. The kids sure were excited when we told them that Grandma Debbie and Papa Ron were coming over. They both screamed and said "Yeah!" They played dress up while they waited for them to get here, but every few minutes would run to the bedroom and look out the window to see if they were here yet. As soon as they saw their car pull in the driveway, they yelled "They're here! They're here!" and ran to the door to greet them.

"I got wots and wots of nekwaces and bwacewets on me"

Hailey made a bed for Jack out of their chairs. She layed him in it and covered him with his blankie. She tucked him in singing the songs that I sing every time I lay him down. Then she made herself a bed right next to him. I think Jack was pretty comfortable cause he layed there for quite awhile without moving.

Jack cuddled with Grandma Debbie for a long time.

He ended up falling asleep.

When he woke up, Grandpa Ron took a turn holding him. Jack kept looking up at him and giving him smiles.
And Jack put Grandpa to sleep. Too funny!
Hailey and Grandma had fun playing with Snap n' Style dolls together.

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

Funny pictures of Jack asleep with Grandma and then Grandpa asleep with Jack.