Monday, January 12, 2009

Cuddling with his Lightning McQueen blanket and pillow.

Trying on some new clothes and posing for the camera.

Bruce got up to take Hailey to school and got a call from my mom saying that she was up all night, sick with flu like symptoms. So he picked Max up after dropping Hailey off at school. I was surprised when Max walked in this morning cause I didn't even wake up when the phone rang. The morning seemed to go by so fast. Before we knew it, it was already time to go pick Hailey up. Hailey and Max had lots of fun playing with their monster trucks together. They would drive them over the little matchbox cars and then make them flip over. Max also loved cuddling with his Cars blanket and he really loves the Lightning McQueen pillow. He layed on the floor with it while playing with his monster truck and cars. And on the couch while watching "Elmo's World" (the video they picked at the video store a couple days ago). While getting lunch ready for the kids, I opened the fridge and the orange juice fell out. It was a big mess, covering more than half the kitchen floor. Hailey was very helpful getting towels for me since my feet were sticky and wet. It was a very cold day, so Bruce made a fire in the wood stove. That sure warmed the house up. The kids took their clothes off and ran around in just their underwear. I put a little shorts outfit on Jack. After getting Max tucked in bed, I was reading to Hailey on the couch. Max came out of his room and said "Kill da spider, Mommy." He found a spider in the kitchen earlier but it was on a web so I didn't want to get it. I decided to just leave it for Bruce to get when he got home from work. (I will kill spiders now though, as long as they are not on a web. Yes, I'm more terrified of the web than the spider itself.) I just told Max that it was OK cause the spider was just sleeping. He went on playing and I thought he had forgotten about it. But I guess he didn't. He said "Kill da spider so it don't come in my bedwoom." I was feeding Jack and I didn't really want to interrupt him, so I just told him that I would get it and to go back to bed. I was surprised that he went right back in his room and shut the door. Hailey laughed and said "He even shut his door. That's such a good boy. But it's funny though." About 10 minutes later, he came out again asking if I killed the spider. I could tell he was worried about it, so I had him come out and watch me get it. YIKES! But I had to be brave and get it for him so he could get to sleep. He was happy to see me flush it down the toilet. I tucked him back in bed and Hailey came in to say goodnight to him. She gave him a hug and said "Max, you're an awesome brother. I love you so much." Hailey and I went back out to the couch to finish reading our books and Bible. Then I took Jack in with us when I tucked her in bed. She pet his head and said "You're such a sweet little brother, Jack. I love you. I love both my brothers." Then she asked to hold him in her bed. While holding him, she said "Jack, what did you do today." Then she pretended he was talking and using a babyish voice said "I cried cause my teeth hurt." (He didn't sleep very long for his nap earlier and woke up crying. She must have heard me talking to him asking him if his teeth were bothering him.) Then she said "I'll pray for you." After saying a prayer for him, she said "Let's pray for Nana too." After saying a little prayer that Nana would feel better soon, she said "I prayed for Nana two times today." You don't know though cause me and daddy prayed for her in the car.

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

Hailey's such a great helper and she says such sweet thing. You and them spider webs:)