Where's Max?
Max woke up at 7:00 this morning. He cuddled with me for about 15 minutes, but then heard the garbage truck and wanted to go watch it out the window. I opened the shade in the bedroom so he could see it. Then we went out to the living room. He played with his trucks and tractors. The last couple of weeks he's been getting the same trucks and tractors out every day to play with. He likes to line them up like a train and slowly push them one by one from the living room to the kitchen. He goes back and forth all day doing this. He'll also pick things up along the way and put them in the back of the truck. Today he got some papers out of the recycling box and crunched up a bunch of little pieces to put in his truck. He said it was garbage. When Hailey woke up we watched Curious George. Jack woke up shorty after she did. We ate breakfast and then watched Clifford. Hailey and I did some work sheets. She loves to practice writing her letters. She got some paper and a pen and asked me how to spell a bunch of different words. I put Max down for a nap after lunch. I layed Jack down a blanket on the floor while I read books to Max before he layed down for his nap. Jack started fussing and I heard Hailey start talking to him. I peeked around the corner and she was trying to get him to take the pacifier. He wouldn't take it so she got a receiving blanket out and layed it on the floor next to him. Then she scooched him over onto it and wrapped him up. She held him swaddled in the blanket and gave him the pacifier again. This time he took it right away and she made him happy again. When I came back into the room, she was talking to him and he was cooing and smiling at her. She was counting how many times she got him to smile at her and she told me that he smiled 14 times. It's funny how she knows just what to do to make him stop fussing. She knows he likes to be swaddled and does a pretty good job wrapping him up in the blanket. She also knows he likes to have a little piece of the blanket touching his cheek while giving him the pacifier. It calms him down almost every time. Hailey played dressup while Max took his nap. She came out with a belt around her waist and another hooked on that one. She was swining it around and said "Look mommy, I'm a cow girl." Then she said "I milk cows. And I make apple cider too." Then she said "cow girls do this" as she swung the end of the belt that was hanging off her around in circles. We went outside when Max woke up from his nap. It was a nice warm day, so we had fun spraying each other with the hose. Max walked around with a pail on his head. We were still outside playing when daddy came home from work. He played with the kids and had them laughing really hard as he chased them around the yard. Then we went for a walk. When we got back I let the kids play outside a little longer while I fed Jack on the porch swing. Bruce went inside to warm up left overs for dinner. Max and Hailey were having so much fun going down the slide. Max stubbed his toe and started crying holding his foot. Hailey went up to him and said "Oh did you hurt yourself? Let me see." She knelt down by him and held his foot rubbing it and said "Did you hurt your toe? Hailey will make it better." Then she kissed his toe and said "There now your ok." After that he stopped crying, got back up, and started playing again. It was so sweet how Hailey helped her little brother. I just love moments like that. We went inside and ate a late dinner. While Bruce was looking to see what was on TV tonight, Haley said "Let's see what's on TLC." We didn't even know she knew what that was. After getting Hailey and Max in bed, I gave Jack a bath. Then Bruce and I watched some TV.
I love Jack's expressions in those pictures. Max with his head in the bucket is too funny. The picture of Hailey dressed up is also very cute. I love how Hailey looks after her younger brothers. She's such a sweetie.
So funny to see Max with the bucket on his head.
the last comment was from me. Sorry I goofed...
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