Thursday, September 11, 2008

We pretty much spent the whole day packing. We are going camping this weekend. The kids played very good together in their bedrooms most of the day, so I got alot done. Before getting the kids ready for bed, I gave them showers. Max was first. He loved when I sprayed him with the sprayer and pretended it was a firetruck hose. He kept wanted me to do it again and again and was laughing so hard. Next it was Hailey's turn. She brought a doll in with her. Even though they complained about it at first, I think they actually enjoyed taking their showers alone. It worked well for me too since lately they have been getting all wound up before bed. They get each other going and have a hard time calming down. After their showers, we got pajamas on, brushed teeth, and read books. They were both in bed and sleeping by 8:00. I gave Jack his bath after the kids were in bed. He really enjoyed it. He was cooing the whole time and smiling alot. He loves when I poured water over his head. He was in bed by 10:00, and I got the rest of the packing done.

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