Monday, September 1, 2008

Day 3

"Look, I made a rainbow horse."

"I gotta fix da wheels. Dey are broke so I gotta fix dem."

Jack with his Great Great Grandma!

Notice how they are all sitting with their legs out straight, along each side of the bucket. It's funny how they ended up sitting in a square like that.

Making elephant ears.
Mmm they are good.

Playing "Ring Around the Rosie" in the water.

Daddy's solution to keep his towel around him.

The girls just loved baby Jack.

After cuddling in bed with us for a little while this morning, the kids got up and played quietly in the camper. Hailey colored and Max played with his cars on the bed. Ella came over and asked Hailey and Max wanted to come over and eat pancakes with them. Her mom was making pancakes for all the kids. We took the kids over and they all sat at the picnic table to eat together. They had extras so Bruce and I sat down to eat when the kids were done. After we were done eating, we took the kids over to the playground to play. Once it warmed up outside, Daddy and Papa Dan took the kids to the pool to swim. I put Jack in the stroller and walked with them. Jack fell asleep in the stroller, so I parked it in the shade and sat at the edge of the pool with my feet in. Max loved the water and was all over the place with the floating ring he was wearing. Hailey was a little nervous at first in the water, even with a life jacket on, but enjoyed it once she got used to it. After lunch, Bruce and his dad went kayaking again. Max and Jack were napping and Hailey was playing with her friends at the park so I decided to go get an icecream cone. Grandma Brenda and Nonnie kept an eye on the kids while I was gone. When Daddy and Papa Dan got back, we had homemade elephant ears. They were so yummy! The kids were begging to go back to the pool, so Bruce took them (all five of them) to go swimming. I went along just in case he needed help. Jack and I sat and watched. They all had so much fun in the water together. By the time we got back and got the kids into their clothes, it was time for the hayride. I wanted to go with them this time. I got on with the kids and had Bruce run and get Drew so he could ride with Max. First, they drove us around to the "Candy Max". The kids were very loud as they shouted "Candy Man...Candy Man..." as we got close. Hailey was covering her ears (She still doesn't like loud noises.) And Max was shouting along with the rest of the kids. The "Candy Man" passed out popsicles and candy to all the kids and then we rode around the rest of the campground. As we got close to the hill, the kids all started screaming. Hailey already had her ears covered. Then the tractor driver told them to scream louder. I could tell by the look on her face that she didn't like it. It didn't bother Max any though and he was screaming too. Since it was the last hayride of the year, he took us around to the hill a few more times and each time asked them to scream even louder. By the third time around, Hailey was crying and begging to get off. I pulled her over to sit on my lap and helped her cover her ears. It was loud. It hurt my ears. That was the last time around and she was glad to get off. When we got off, Bruce was feeding Jack a bottle. He was crying the whole time, and he had just finally given up and started drinking from the bottle. It was formula, and he doesn't take that too well. After the hayride, Bruce and I decided to take the kids to get icecream cones. I wished I had my camera with me. Max and Drew got so messy. Their faces were covered in chocolate and it was all down the front of their shirts too. We cleaned them up as best as we could with napkins. Then we headed back to our campsite. Bruce and I laughed as we walked back with 7 kids. We had them all take hands and made a "train" as we walked back. It was cute to hear them all making the train sounds. After dropping the kids off to their parents, Max asked "Where's my fwend?"


Anonymous said...

I love how the kids are sitting in a square around the bucket of sand. Love Daddy’s solution to keeping Max’s towel around him. That is such a cute picture. The picture of the girls and Jack is cute. Awh, poor Hailey, I can just imagine how much she didn’t like all that screaming on the hayride. Two sets of twins and you’ll be walking your own 7 kids:)

Melissa said...

Yep, that's what Bruce and I were saying (about the seven kids). That'll be us someday. He keeps saying we'll probable end up with twins next time and then I'll say "I can't imagine this being our last. What's one more?", and then we'll keep having more and more kids. :)

Anonymous said...

You sound like me, "I can't imagine the next being out last, whats one (or two) more. Jared howerer has no problem saying the next is our last:)