Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We had an appointment this morning to go look at our pictures that we had taken with Jack. My mom came with us. I sat in the back of the van with the kids, and Max talked to me the whole way there. He said something and then said "Is dat my good dea?". Then he said something else and followed again with "Is dat my good dea?" So I said "You sure have good ideas." And he said "Wah, I got two good deas." The kids were very good during our appointment. The photographer set them up with fruit snacks and water bottle at the little table in the playroom. Then they played quietly while we sat and watched the DVD of our pictures. All the pictures turned out great so it was hard to choose. When we got home, Bruce took the kids to play outside. They rode their bikes and played on swingset. Then Daddy took them with him over to the neighbors. They played with Nova while Daddy talked to Ken. Then, like they do everytime they go over there, they rang the doorbell so they could say hi to Connie too. I put Max down for his nap after we ate lunch. Hailey and I played dolls. While we were dressing our babies, Hailey said " When I get big and have a baby, I'll be a mom, and you will be a nana, and Nana will be a old nana. Right now she is just a nana cause she is not really old." While I was taking clothes out of the dryer, a $1 bill fell out. As I was telling Bruce he left money in his pocket, another one fell out. He didn't think much of it and kept working on the computer. Then a $5 bill fell out. I got really excited and ran to show him. I flashed it in his face, and he started chasing me to get it back. Of course, he couldn't get it from me. I put that one in my purse too. Then I went back to finish taking the clothes out of the dryer. This time a $10 bill fell out. I ran to flash that one in his face too. So he ran to the dryer saying he would finish the laundry. I ran and beat him to it, and a $1 bill fell out. I told him I was finally getting paid for all the work I do around here. And I had to rub it in that I made $18 in less than 15 minutes. We were laughing so hard. Hailey sure thought it was funny too and was laughing as she followed us around the whole time watching us act silly. After I gave the kids showers, we played the clapping game before getting ready for bed.

Max had just finished a set of ten summersaults and was on his second set in this video. He likes it when I count as he does them.

Monday, September 8, 2008
I got up early and got Hailey ready for preschool. After she got dressed, she ran to look at herself in the mirror. Then when daddy told her it was time to leave, she said "Wait, first mommy has to take my picture." The preschool is very close so daddy took her on the bike. She was very excited to get to ride on daddy's bike. This was the first day she went by herself. She went into her class very good. She waved and said "bye daddy" as he left. I heard Max talking in his bedroom, so I went in to get him. He was feeling his hair saying "I got fwat (flat) hair wike Jacob do." I got Jack and Max ready right away so we could go grocery shopping. We also stopped and picked up Jack's pictures. By the time we got done with all that, it was time to pick Hailey up from school. When I got out of the van to go get her, Max said "I wanna go see Haywee's cwass." So I took him in with me while daddy stayed out in the van with Jack. Hailey was excited to tell us about her day and that she made two friends.

Max had fun putting cut up pieces of yarn in his tractors. He would have his tractor pick them up and then dump them onto the trailor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love what Hailey said about Nana. Her hair sure is getting long. I cracked up laughing about the laundry money. I could just picture it all as I read it. Wow, nice summersaults Max! Jack sure is looking chubby in those diaper pictures. I love the picture with Hailey holding his foot.