Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fun Day at the Zoo

Smiling for Nana. After she took his picture he said "Are I ado-a-bol?"

Max liked this circle bench.

Inside the beaver den.

Max really liked watching this squirrel.

Looking for the squirrel up in the tree.

Posing for camera.

We got ready and packed for the zoo while Hailey was in school this morning. I packed a picnic lunch to eat while we were there. While I was packing the lunch, Max ran around in circles in the kitchen singing. He sure was excited. I called my mom and Kimmy to see if they wanted to come too. My mom met us there, but I couldn't get ahold of kimmy. We first went to see the wolf. There was a building with windows to get a closer look. He was pacing right next to the window the whole time. The kids really thought it was neat to be so close to him and he would look right at them whenever he stopped to turn around. We went on to see the the bob cats, some birds, a bald eagle, and the crocodiles. The kids saw the playground and ran to go play. After playing for a little while, we asked them if they wanted to go see more animals. They both said they wanted to stay and play. So we played a little longer before heading over to see the cows, goats, sheep, and horses. Hailey really liked "milking" the pretend cow. When you squeezed the utters, water would come out and squirt into a bucket. I think that was her favorite thing at the zoo. Jack was waking up and getting hungry so we took a little break and I fed him. Daddy took Hailey and Max to play in the sand and dig for dinosaur bones. After Jack was done eating, we went to see the kangaroos. We were very close to them with only a rope between us. The kids liked dancing to the music they play in this area. And we all thought it was funny to watch the ostriches because it seemed like they were dancing to the music too. We went to see the monkeys before heading back to ride the train. Max was VERY excited about the train. Hailey covered her ears the whole time but she liked it too. Next we went to see the penguins. There was only one in the water and he wasn't swimming much in front of the window, so we decided to go down and look in the windows under the pond. We watched the fish for awhile, and when we came back up, a lady was shaking her keys to get the penguins to come. As soon as they heard the keys, they all jumped into the water and started swimming all over. The kids loved watching them, especially when they would come right up to the window and look at them. We walked across the pond on the stepping stones. The kids liked looking in the water for frogs, even though we didn't see any. And they also liked the "wiggly" bridge. Nana had to leave at about 3:00. We sat down to eat our sandwiches. Then we went back to see the monkeys who were much more active this time. They were swinging from the branches and the kids thought it was funny. We watched them feed the penguins and then went to see the crocodile again. On the way out we stopped in the gift shop. There was a room with some animals behind glass. We saw a beehive with lots of bees, some frogs, turtles, bugs, and spiders. We gave the kids each a quarter to buy something in the gift shop. They each picked a little snake. Everything was on sale, so when the lady gave Hailey 4 pennies back, Hailey said "She gave me money back!" and jumped around saying "I'm rich! I'm rich!" Max thought he was so big to get to give the lady his quarter just like his sister did. He stood on his tippy toes to see over the councter and smiled as he handed it to her. Then he showed me his 4 pennies, all excitedly saying "She gave me more moneys too!" We had such a nice day at the zoo. On the way home, we stopped for hotdogs and milkshakes. I let the kids play outside for awhile when we got home. I pushed them on the swings until the mosquitos started coming out. Then we headed inside and got the kids ready for bed. Max was very tired since he didn't have a nap today and was asleep by 7:30. I didn't even have to ask them to get in bed, they both just ran and climbed in their beds after they got their pajamas on and brushed their teeth. Max didn't even ask to read his books tonight.


Anonymous said...

I wish I'd have been home when you called. Looks and sound like a lot of fun! I love what the kids said in the gift shop. The pictures are great! That zoo sure has grown since when we were younger.

Anonymous said...

Such a fun day and you captured it so well with all the great pictures. Thanks for calling me and including me in the fun. Love ya!