Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Max came and crawled in bed with me around 7:00 this morning. I was surprised to see that Hailey was sleeping in bed with me also. I didn't even hear her come in. Jack woke up around 6:00 and fell back asleep after I fed him, so she must have come in sometime after that. I can't believe I was sleeping so sound. Of course, Bruce is working midnights now so since he wasn't in the bed, she could easily just sneak in his spot. Max didn't fall back asleep but layed with me until 8:00. He has been really cuddly in the morning lately. He always says "I want to sleep on Mommy's pillow with you." Then after he lays down, he says "Wrap me up" meaning cover him up with the blankets. He played with his cars and trucks until Hailey woke up around 9:00. Jack woke up around the same time as Hailey. He was so cute and full of smiles. Bruce played with the kids for awhile before going to bed. After eating breakfast, we watched Clifford and Sesame Street. When the Count came on, Max said "Dat a naughty icky puppet. I don't wike him." I was surprised that he knew it was a puppet. Hailey and Max both don't like the Count and want me to turn it off while he is on. The kids played some more until lunch time while I worked on the mountain of laundry piled up in the utility room. It really is a huge pile since I am washing all the bedding from the camper too. And the pile doesn't seem to be getting any smaller even though I've been working on it since we got home. The laundry sure piles up fast around here. Jack fell back asleep around 10:00 this morning and didn't wake up until 3:00. I got busy and didn't realize the time had gone by so quickly. I was surprised when I saw it was 3:00 and he was still sleeping. Usually I try waking him if he sleeps longer than three hours during the day, even though he is such a sound sleeper, it doesn't always work. This evening when Daddy woke up, we ate dinner and then left to go to the library. We met Kimmy, Jared, and the boys there. Kimmy and I took Hailey, Max, and Jacob to story time while Bruce and Jared walked around with Adam and Jack. The kids sure did love listening to the stories. First the lady read a book. Then she got out some felt animals and passed them out to all the kids. As she told the next story, she would have the kids bring up their animals and put them in the boat on the felt board. Max was very happy to get a kitty and smiled when she gave it to him. As she called other animals up to get in the boat, Max would get up to put his kitty on. I had to tell him to wait until she asked for the kitty. He did that the first few times and then sat and waited for his turn. He smiled as he walked up when it was his turn like he was so proud of himself. Hailey liked taking her sheep up and putting it in the boat too. Then the lady had all the kids stand, and they sang a song together. Max was singing along and did all the motions. She also did a little rhyme with a puppet and then another story. The kids all seemed to really enjoy listening to all the stories. At the end the lady handed out paper hats and some animals to cut out, and they each got a stamp on their hand. Then all the kids got to go up and play with the props and puppets. Hailey and Jacob liked acting out the last story she did with the billy goats and the troll. Max liked playing with the felt board and putting all the animals back into the boat. We let the kids play on the train table and some other things they had there before we left. It is a huge library and the whole basement is the kids area. We stopped at McDonald's for milkshakes on the way home. While I was tucking Max in bed, he told me all about his fun time at the library. He said "I sing a song and dance wif my wady fwend (lady friend)." After getting the kids to bed, I sat on the couch with Jack. He was so smiley and making lots of cooing and gurgling sounds. I just love hearing him "talk". It sounds so sweet. He gets really talkative in the morning when he wakes up and then again at night before he goes to bed.


Anonymous said...

Hey, your laundry sound like mine. I know how it piles up especially after a trip. I'm glad you came to Circle Time. I wish you lived closer so you could come more often. Last week was the last for a while. I'm not sure when it starts back up. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can't wait till we move closer to you. We are still slowly working on getting the house ready to sell. It'll be so nice when we can get together and go do things more often.

Melissa said...

I love what you did with that picture of Hailey and Jack.