Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This morning I cleaned the house and did laundry. The kids played outside while daddy worked on getting the camper put away. The last few days, Max has been going around saying "dog-gone-it". He picked this up from the neighbor girl. It is kind of funny though, how he says it with such emotion and uses it apporpriatally when he's fustrated about something. After lunch, we went to grandpas house. It was around 3:00 when we got home, so I put Max down for a late nap. I woke him up at 5:00. We fed the kids their dinner, and Emily came over to babysit while we went out for a date night. Hailey was very excited to have Emily come. Every few minutes she would ask when she was going to get here and then said she's taking a long time. We took Jack with us. We walked through some of the shops in the town, and then went out to eat. Jack liked his stroller ride. Then while we ate, he layed on the booth by us and smiled and cooed the whole time. We also stopped in to visit Uncle Tom and Amanda. Haiely adn Max were sleeping when we got home, around 10:00.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hailey takes great pictures with her baby brother. I also love the ones of you and Hailey.