Thursday, September 4, 2008

This is one of the pictures she made for me. It was her first time drawing hearts.

Hailey took these pictures of Jack.

Bruce spent all day helping Ken work on the motorhome that they sold. They ran into some problems, and had to fix it before the people came to take it home. The kids woke up at 9:30 this morning, and we watched Clifford. After breakfast, they got out their crayons and pads of paper and drew pictures. They sure love having their own box of crayons. It's funny how something so simple can make a kid so happy. They are the big crayons with only eight in the box, so it's really easy for them to take one out and put it back in. Hailey appreciated having some new sharp crayons. She kept saying Max can't use her crayons cause he don't know how to take good care of them yet. They spent about an hour just coloring and drawing at the table this morning. I sat down and drew with them for a little while. We had fun. Max liked it when I drew trees, flowers, grass, etc. and would say "God made the trees." Then he would say "And God said they are good." That is one of his favorite Bible stories and he always likes to say that part with me as I read it. He really enjoyed watching me draw each different thing as we would say it together. Hailey figured out how to draw hearts and started drawing a bunch all over her paper. Then she wrote "MOM" on it and signed her name. She told me to write "My heart says I love you" on it. Then she gave it to me. Now that she knows how to write "MOM", she loves to make me pictures and makes me one everyday since she learned how. I got alot of work done around the house while the kids were busy coloring. Then we went outside to see Daddy and Ken. Max was very interested in what they were doing. He said "Are you pixing da camper with Ken, are you Daddy?" He got right down with them to watch. Then Hailey and Max went on the porch and rang the doorbell so they could say hi to Connie. She came out and visited with us. She held Jack for a while. After we ate lunch, I put Max and Jack down for a nap. Hailey and I played dollhouse while they napped. Max took a three and a half hour nap. I woke him up to get him ready to leave. We had to go get school supplies for Hailey. Bruce didn't get done working on the camper until 6:00. First, we stopped and got Hailey her dance shoes. Then we went out to eat for Bruce's birthday. We had fun drawing pictures with the kids while we waited for our meal. Hailey was very proud that she could draw hearts now and had to show daddy. Then we went to the store to get a bookbag and gym shoes for Hailey, She was so excited and loved picking out her bag, a folder, and some tennis shoes. She was bouncing and skipping around as she walked through the store. You can tell she is getting really excited about school and she felt so big picking out all her things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hailey, the picture you made for your Mommy is beautiful.