Wednesday, August 6, 2008

While the kids were eating their snack today, I took a few of the Teddy Grahams and told the story of the three bears. They thought it was funny when I had the bears walk across the table and when I used a yellow crayon for Goldilocks. After making up a couple more stories with the bears, they wanted to pretend to be bears walking through the woods. They ran and hid behind Max's bedroom door and called me saying they were lost in the woods and to come find them. I looked behind a few things to see what "tree" they were hiding behind. They both screamed and laughed when I flung the door open and found them. They hid a few more times and then we got out the easle so they could draw. First they wanted to use the chalk and then they used the dry erase markers. After they were done drawing, I got out the letter magnets for them to play with. Hailey liked finding the letters for her and Max's name and spelling them out. Then she got out some numbers and put a 4 in front of her name and a 5 after her name and told me she was four now but next she would be five. Then she put a 2 in front of Max's name and a three after it telling me Max was 2 and he was going to be 3. Hailey wanted to draw again after I put Max down for his nap. She wrote out her name and Max's name and then asked me how to spell mommy and daddy. She wrote them as I told her how to spell it. I just had to show her how to write the letter D. When Bruce woke up, we went to Grandpa's house. Aunt Jodi was there again. Max and Hailey were both excited to see her car in the driveway. The kids went up to Grandpa right away and asked for M&Ms. He got them out and gave them each a handfull. While Bruce was mowing, he found a couple of frogs. He had the kids come out to see them. They loved watching them hop across the driveway. When they came in, they looked at one of Grandpa's bird magazines with Aunt Jodi. They enjoyed looking at all the pictures with her and showing her which birds and butterflies were their favorites on each page.

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