Then she wanted to show me how she pumps and gets going high on the swings by herself. You can't hear her in the video, but she is explaining how she gets going by pushing off the ground with her feet and then pumping to get higher.
And here is a video of Max doing a summersault. I could only get him to do one while I was videoing though. I just think it's so funny when he does them over and over, back and forth.
I enjoyed watching the videos. Hailey you sure do good on the rope and I love watching you pump and go really high on the swing. You sure are a big girl. Love Nana
Max that was a terrific summersault. Nova sure liked watching you and so did I. Love ya! Nana
Glad you put the videos on for us to see. I see you're encouraging Max to cook. He will be a good hubby someday. Keep up the good work. Love ya
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