Saturday, April 19, 2008

This morning, we got ready and went to some garage sales. We didn't find much, just a few clothes for the baby and a couple shirts for Hailey. When we got home, we took the kids outside to play. Bruce took his car over to the neighbor to work on it. Max was really interested when they opened the hood. He looked in and said "Dat da motor." He stayed by them watching the whole time. Daddy adjusted the training wheels on Hailey's bike and she rode it perfect after that. She was very proud of her self for riding it all around. I had Hailey lay down and rest while Max took his nap. I was starting to have alot of contractions so I layed down too. Max lifted up my shirt and was talking alot to the baby tonight. He said "Open your shirt, Mommy. I wanna tee da baby." It was so cute how he was talking so softly. He was giving my belly lots of kisses too.


Anonymous said...

Max is so sweet about the baby:) I can't believe he's not going to be the youngest anymore. Wow, they grow up too fast.

Melissa said...

I can't believe it either. Only a few more months now, and I know it's going to fly by.