Sunday, December 7, 2008

We woke up late this morning, so we only had about a half an hour to get ready for church. Right away the kids begged to see the bag of toys from Aunt Jessie. While I picked the kids clothes out, they had fun playing with the new toys. Max loved his cars and Hailey loved the little dolls and the pet game. They got to play with them for a few minutes before they had to start getting ready. We were only a few minutes late for church, but we were all tired. Max even got right back in his bed and asked to go back to bed this morning. He said "I tired. I want to go in my bed." After church, Grandma Brenda, Papa Dan, Jessie, and Molly came over for lunch. We ordered a pizza. Then we headed over to Walmart so they could take the kids shopping for their birthdays. They let them pick out a bunch of toys. Hailey loved going around telling us what she wanted. As we walked down the Barbi isle, she said " I need a daddy for my Barbi's." Max found some tractors and cars that he liked right away. He was kind of confused why he could take so many toys home. He saw the tractor and carried that around until he saw the cars (a car carrier truck with a bunch of cars from the Cars movie) that he really liked. He put the tractor back on the shelf and grabbed the cars and said he wanted that. He didn't notice us throw the tractor back into the cart. He held onto the cars that he really wanted the whole time as we walked through the store. Every time we showed him another toy and asked him if he wanted it, he held up the cars he was holding onto and said "No, I wike dis." He thought he could only pick one thing. He hugged his cars very tightly cause he didn't want to let them go. He looked back at all the toys in the cart and said "Dat's too much." The cart was full of toys. We left and the kids had a few minutes to play with them before we had to leave for the live nativity. Hailey remembered going to see the live nativity last year and was really looking forward to it. She was very excited about seeing baby Jesus again. We met my parents and Kimmy and her family at the church around 5:30. First, we all gathered in the sanctuary to sing Christmas carols while we waited. The church was packed and they let a couple rows go at a time. While we are waiting, they also have an angel appear and tell us about the new born king. They turn down the lights and they have a projection of an angel on the ceiling which the kids really think is neat. They all love this part and think the angel is real. When it was our turn, we went outside to a tent where a shepherd introduced himself and then led us through the town of Bethlehem. Along the way, we stopped and talked to some more shepherds. They let us warm up by their fire. We also got stopped by some Roman soldiers, who talked very loudly as they searched us and then sent us on our way. They kids always hold on to us very tightly when the soldiers come near us. We came to a tent where we had to get our scrolled parchment papers and then we took them to another tent to have them stamped. We continued on through the town where people tired to sell us things like animals, jewelry, food, blankets, etc. The kids love to see and pet all the different animals (sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens, a donkey, and even a camel.) Then we came to the inn. The inn keeper told us there was no room in the inn and sent us to the stable where we found Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. I love to see the kids faces when we come to the stable. You can tell it just seems so real to them. It is such a neat experience. Afterwards, we go inside for drinks and cookies. The kids had fun running around and playing together.


Anonymous said...

What a great year at the Live Nativity.

Anonymous said...

It's always so touching and such a great tradition for our family. Makes for great childhood memories.
You took great pictures.

Anonymous said...

I love the last picture of Jack with the great smile. Sooooo cute!!