Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Max had a doctor's appointment this morning, his three year old well check. Bruce stayed home with Hailey, and I took Jack and Max to the appointment. As soon as we got there, the nurse asked me to "play some games" with Max and fill out the paperwork while we were waiting. I had to ask him lots of questions and write down his answers. He wanted to play with all the toys but was very good about doing the things he needed to. He sat on the ride on car while I asked him a bunch of questions. He really liked the part when he had to jump over the paper. He was very proud of himself. We were called back pretty quickly so we didn't get all the questions answered. He still was asking to play but was very good about coming when the nurse called him back. She weighed and measured him (he weighed 31 pounds and was 38 inches) Then she took him for his vision and hearing tests. Jack and I waited for him in the room. Max went right with her without complaining. She said he did great on his hearing test but didn't want to do the vision test. She said that was quite commen among three year olds, and she was happy she at least got the hearing test. We worked on some more questons while waiting for the PA. He seemed to really enjoy playing the "games" for the paperwork. We didnt' have a very long wait again, so we still didn't have it finished. As soon as the PA walked in the room, Jack started crying. Max climbed right up on the table when she asked him to. He stared up at her the whole time she was checking him out. He looked a little scared but did everything she asked him to do and answered her when she talked to him. He didn't have to get any shots today. After the PA was done we finsihed the paperwork. Jack was still crying and was very upset, so it was hard to fill it all out. Max seemed to be a little distracted by his crying and really wanted to go play with the "doctor's cars" in the waiting room since he didn't get to. He always looks forward to playing with those cars when he comes to the doctor. It took a little extra work but I managed to get him to answer all but one of the questions. He was done by the last one and refused to answer. He just kept saying "I want to go now. I want to go play wif da doctor's cars. Cause I do." Max was happy to pick out a sucker and a sticker. I asked him what color sucker he wanted and he said "wewo (yellow)". Then I told him there wasn't any yellow and he said "wed (red)". By now Jack was really upset. But as soon as we got back out to the waiting room he stopped crying. I am pretty sure it's cause he remembered being here a few days ago and getting his shots. I knew he wasn't hungry cause I just had fed him before we left and he started ccrying as soon as he saw the PA which was who he saw on Friday. When we got home, I layed Jack down for a nap in his crib. He really likes the mobile and fell asleep as he watched it. I had layed him in the middle but when I went in to check on him, he was sleeping turned onto his side right next to the bumper pad with his hand up on it. He also likes to feel the animals on the bumper pad. He always runs his hands up and down it, feeling all the different textures. And every time I lay him in the crib, he works his way over so he can reach it. Max and Hailey spent all day playing with their new toys. They played so quietly, each in their own little space with all the toys piled around them. This evening, when Jack woke up from his nap, Max asked to get in the crib with him. He layed down by Jack and they played with the mobile. Jack would laugh when Max hit the animals and made them move. Max was so sweet with Jack, giving him lots of kisses and hugs.


Anonymous said...

Seems like I just did that 3yr question sheet with Jacob. He also liked the one where he had to jump over the paper. Jacob wouldn't do either the vision or hearing test. Poor Jack.

Melissa said...

Yep, the nurse said that most kids that age won't do either test. And Jack cried harder than he ever has. He was really upset.