Saturday, March 7, 2009

Some videos I've taken over the last few days.

Hailey turned on some music and started "doing exercises". Max came and joined her, trying to copy everything she did. It was so funny to watch.

Max showing me his house that he made. And his work, his parking spot, and the outside too.

Playing with moon sand. (It's so much fun -like playing with wet sand that sticks together and it's not really that messy. It is very easy to clean up.)

Max just loves to play with his tractors in the moon sand. He'll do this for hours. He loves to have it dig and then dump it into something.

Hailey likes to play pet store. She makes some cats and dogs and a girl and then plays with them pretending the girl goes to the pet store to pick out a dog or a cat (or sometimes both).

1 comment:

mom s said...

Very adorable videos of the kids.