Monday, June 9, 2008

When Max woke up this morning, I could hear him whispering on the baby monitor. He kept saying that he woke up and that he got a new bed. Then he started singing some songs. I listened for about a half an hour before going in to get him. I just waited until he called me like he always does. I wanted to see if he would do that or if he would actually come out on his own. After he was done singing, he called me saying "Mommy, I wake up. Mommy I wake up." When I walked into his room, he excitedly said "I wake up in mine new bed!" Then he stood up holding his blankie and stuffed animals and held his arms out for me to pick him up like he thinks that he can't get out by himself. I went to my doctors appointment and had another ultrasound today. My mom came with me to my appointment. We couldn't see much on the ultrasound this time because the baby is getting bigger and more crowded in there. He also still has his hands and feet up against his face. They are still saying that the baby is measuring small and has dropped from the 42nd percentile to the 19th percentile since my last ultrasound, so they are still going to keep a close eye on him making sure he doesn't drop below the 10th percentile. If he drops below that, they said they will have to talk about inducing labor. They also said that I have dropped and I could go into labor anytime now. She asked me if we were ready for the baby making sure we had a carseat and stuff because I didn't drop until right before I went into labor with Hailey and Max. So she said to be prepared for this baby to possibly come early. We have everything we need since we've saved everything from Hailey and Max, but the house is just a big mess from all the remodeling. We really would like to get the house back in order before the baby comes. Hopefully he will hold off until after the 4th of July. Well, I just can't believe how fast it has gone by and it won't be long now before we get to meet this little guy. My mom came back to our house and visited for a while after my appointment. I put Max down for his nap after she left and he did really good again. He slept for 3 hours and I ended up having to wake him up so he would still go to bed on time tonight. He is so happy about his bed and always has a big smile on his face when he is in it. We ordered pizza for dinner and had icecream for desert. Then I took the kids outside to play while Bruce painted in the utility room. Bruce found a small toad in the yard and caught it for the kids. They had fun playing with it. Hailey got a pail to put it in and the kids picked a bunch of grass and leaves for it.


The Daddy said...

Melissa good thing your mom wasn't there or she might have been scared of it. ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to meet the new little guy!