Sunday, June 8, 2008

Max sleeps in his new "big bed"

We went to church and then came home for lunch. After we ate, Bruce took down Max's crib and put together his new bed. Max was very excited about it and stayed in the room watching the whole time. When Bruce took the crib apart, Max said "Oh no, mine room is broke. Daddy broke mine room." He got very excited when they opened the box to get his new bed out. He was jumping up and down and had a huge smile on his face the whole time. One of the pieces of wood had warped and so Bruce started getting fustrated with it. He was complaining about it and about the bad directions. Hailey noticed him getting fustrated and said "Daddy, you need to pray to Jesus. That's just what you got to do." Max climbed onto it right away as soon as daddy put the mattress on. I gave him his blankies and he laid right down and said he wanted to go to sleep. It was his naptime, but we were planning on leaving in a little while to go to my parents house so I wasn't planning on putting him down for a nap today. He laid down and was asking to go night night so I shut the shade so he could rest. But as soon as I shut the shade, he acted like he was scared and asked me to open it and said he didn't want to go to sleep. I opened it and then Hailey came and cuddled with him. They layed in the bed together for a little while and then got down to play. Bruce and the neighbor went to Menards and when they got back, it was storming pretty bad and getting very windy. I was getting really worried because branches were flying everywhere, and they were outside unloading bricks off the trailor. Even Hailey was saying "Shouldn't daddy come inside. Is he going to blow away?" Bruce said one of the branches did hit him. We had severe thunderstorm warnings and we found out later that some trees had fallen in our neighborhood. We ended up not going to take the trailor back to my parents house because of the rain. Bruce had some drywall to take over there too and didn't want it getting wet. Hailey was very upset about not getting to go see Nana and Papa today. After dinner, we had to go to the store for a few groceries. Max was so tired from not getting a nap, so he just wanted me to carry him with his blankie. I was getting too tired to carry him, so I laid him blankie down in the back of the cart and he laid right down and went to sleep in just a few minutes. He looked so cute laying there on his belly with his butt sticking up. Everyone was smiling and commenting as they walked by and saw him. He woke up when I put him in his carseat. When we got home, we let the kids play outside for a half an hour before getting them ready for bed. After doing Max's bedtime routine of reading books, talking about his day, rocking and singing, and then prayers, I layed him down in his bed. He was all smiles again and layed right down acting all excited about his new bed. He did really well and didn't cry or come out of his room when I left. Later when I went in to check on him, he was sound asleep in his bed. He did so good.


Pretending to sleep.

"I wake up!"


The Daddy said...

Are you sure Max isn't related to the russells...with the way he sleeps with his hands behind his head??

Melissa said...

He always has slept like that too. Just like all the pictures of Jacob, Adam, and Andrew. He never starts out that way, but always ends up that way. Bruce does the same thing. I wonder if it's a guy thing. Or maybe that same trait runs on Bruce's side of the family too. We'll have to see when Kimmy has her twin girls if they will sleep that way. :)

Anonymous said...

I love these pictures. We'll have to wait and see if our twin girls sleep with their hands behind their heads:)