Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

As soon as Hailey woke up this morning, she wanted to give daddy his present. She was so excited to give it to him. Her and Max carried the bag over together for him to open it. They both liked pointing out different things on the cards that they made him. Max showed him the bugs that he had me draw, and Hailey told him all about the pictures she drew and showed him how she wrote "Happy Father's Day" all by herself. After Bruce opened his gifts, we started getting ready for church. Kimmy and her family came to our church today too. Jacob, Hailey, and Max were all dancing during praise and worship. We left right after church to go to the parade. The weather was great. We didn't get the rain like we were supposed to this afternoon. Hailey didn't like the firetrucks and started holding her ears crying. Papa took her for a walk to get away from it, and then everytime after that if she saw something noisy coming, she would run to Papa for him to take her away. Max loved the firetrucks and also the big tractors. He also really liked seeing the airplanes fly by. It was fun to watch all the kids dancing to the music. When the parade was done, we all went over to my parents house for a cookout. Daddy and Uncle Jared took the kids in the pool to swim. Max went right in and loved the water. Hailey was a lttle scared at first and it took her a while to get in, but she really enjoyed it once she did. This evening, once we came inside, Hailey asked Jacob if he wanted to marry her. She put on a wedding dress and said "Jacob you wanna get married? Then we can dance." Then she told Nana that she needed slow and fast music for the wedding. Nana put some music on and the kids all had fun dancing. However, Jacob wasn't too thrilled about the whole wedding idea as you can see by his expression in the picture. Hailey had picked a flower at Nana's house and when we got home she asked if she could go to our neighbors house and give it to Connie. Daddy took her over there while I got Max ready for bed. Hailey went up and knocked on the door and gave her the flower. Max was very excited to tell me about his day today. He told me all about the firetrucks saying "I tee a piretruck. It was loud." He also told me about the big tractors and airplanes. He said "I tee a airpane. I want to wide in da wewo (yellow) one airpane." Then he told me about swimming in the pool and playing with Jacob. He talked to me for quite a long time telling me all about his day. He had alot to say tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the "wedding" picture. Them truck sure seemed louder that usual. What a fun day. Love the pictures.