Friday, August 24, 2007

Yesterday a lady that works with Bruce brought a whole bunch of art supplies and stuff to give to Hailey and Max. She said that her two daughters cleaned out their closet and said they wanted to get rid of it because they think they are too old for that stuff now. She gave them a lot of neat stuff: a few different ark kits, lots of paints, paint brushes, sponges, some kind of foil art kit that looks pretty neat, markers, crayons, stickers, stuff to make necklaces, clay and shape cutters, and a foam hopscotch game(pictured above). Hailey was so excited to play with all the stuff. She really liked painting with all the different paint kits. She made some pretty cool pictures. And they both had alot of fun with the hopscotch game. Even Max was getting into it, jumping all the way to the end. Whenever Hailey got to the end she would reach her hands way up and say " Yah!". Then she would tell Max to go and whan he got to the end she would give hem a huge hug and say " Good job, Max! Good job!" When they woke up from their naps it was raining so they both laid in front of the window, so of course I had to get my camera. I think they were getting tired of being cooped up inside. It has been raining alot the last few days. But we did eventually get outside. We went grocery shopping and when we came home it wasn't raining so we let them ride their bikes around the block. Max goes so fast on his little car. Hailey even has a hard time keeping up with him on her bike sometimes. And we have to run along side of him to keep up. Well, I guess I better get off of here now. It's getting pretty late.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of them watching the rain. Kimmy