Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Jack's first day home

Jack slept good last night, only waking a couple times to eat. Nana brought Kenzie this afternoon so she could see him. Hailey and Max were so excited to bring home their new baby brother. We didn't get to leave the hospital until around 8:00 tonight. First Kimmy came up with her kids so they could meet their new cousin. Then my mom brought Hailey and Max so we could all ride home together. Hailey, Max, and Jacob all wanted to sit on the chair and hold him together. It was so sweet to watch them as they looked at his little feet and hands. Adam was very interested too and liked petting his soft hair and giving him hugs. When we got home, Max and Hailey both wanted to help carry the carseat in. And, of course, Hailey wanted to hold him right away. Max also held him for a few minutes before we got him ready for bed. He was very tired since we got home so late. Hailey had a harder time falling asleep tonight with all the excitement. She came out of her room a few times. Everytime she came out she would look over to see where Jack was. After we got both kids in bed, Bruce and I sat on the couch and enjoyed our time holding Jack until we went to bed.

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